UPDATE (October 30th, 2024): Stapleton Road Swimming Pool Briefing Session

Please be advised that the City of Mount Pearl is now accepting community feedback for the work being completed at the Old Pool. There is a briefing session tentatively scheduled for November 18th, 2024.

Location: Mount Pearl City Hall – Council Chambers – 3 Centennial Street
Time: 7:00PM

If you wish to attend the briefing session to provide feedback, it is mandatory to RSVP by contacting Jonathan Delaney, Development Inspector, by email at, or by phone at 749-1000 Ext. 1224

To provide feedback online and for additional information, please visit:

If you prefer to provide comments or questions using mail or email, e-mail or write to 3 Centennial Street, Mount Pearl, NL, A1N 1G4. Be sure to include the name of the project in your submission. Written comments are welcome until 12:00 NOON on Friday, November 15th, 2024.

Click here to view a PDF of this briefing session notice.

UPDATE (October 16, 2024): Stapleton Road Swimming Pool Demolition

Please be advised that work to remediate and demolish the Old Pool at 3 Stapleton Road has commenced. Access from the main parking lot to the pathway on Davis Place will remain open and will only be closed when necessary for demolition and removal.

The projected timeline for the remediation and demolition is as follows:

Remediation of Hazardous Materials –  Ongoing to November 7th 2024

Demolition, Foundation & Soil Excavation – November 8th to 22nd 2024

Backfilling and Site Demobilization – November 22th to 24th 2024

For any issues/concerns, please contact the City of Mount Pearl at 748-1006.


The city has received feedback from residents in the area of the former site of the Mount Pearl Swimming Pool at 3 Stapleton Road. We acknowledge the concerns that you have brought forward and have taken action. The city recently completed an environmental assessment of the building and the area. Based on the findings and recommendations in the report, the city is preparing the building and surrounding area for remediation and demolition.

You can expect this work to commence later this fall. The city does not expect any service disruptions or any impact to residents during this time. Should there be any planned disruptions during the site work, your household will be contacted directly.

In line with the city’s long-term vision, this site will be prepared for future housing development. As a part of that process, the city has issued a notice of motion to re-zone the land to support new housing initiatives in line with our Strategic Plan to attract more young families, immigrants, and newcomers to our growing city.

The city will continue to keep you informed as this project progresses. We encourage you to sign up for Citizen Alert. Citizen Alert is a tool that provides communication from the city directly to you, our residents. By signing up, we will keep you in the loop on emergencies, service interruptions, and anything affecting your area of residence. To sign up, visit

All other details will be provided on our website at and communicated directly through public notices such as these, our social media channels, and Citizen Alerts notifications.

Click here to view the PDF version of this notice.