Water & Sewer

Power's Pond

For inquiries relating to water colour, taste, odour, leaks, water restrictions, or sewer backups, contact Public Works at 748-1000.

Water Main Breaks / Water Main Repairs

Notices of water main breaks or scheduled water shut offs due to water main repairs are posted in our construction notices section here. If you suspect a water main break in your area, please report it by calling (709) 748-1000.

Residents are advised that water may run cloudy immediately after a water main break has been restored. If this happens, please run the cold water tap in your bathtub until water appears clear again. It is recommended that residents refrain from doing laundry for approximately one hour after water has been restored to avoid the possibility of clothes being stained by discoloured water. Should water discolouration persist, please contact Public Works at (709) 748-1000.

Water Conservation Order

The order applies to all outdoor uses of water in the city. The order was introduced as an environmental initiative to conserve water resources and to promote the wise use of water. The order is in effect on a permanent year-round basis.

When can I water my lawn and garden with a sprinkler?
If your street number is even, you can water between 6 and 8 a.m., and 8 and 10 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays.
If your street number is odd, you can water between 6 and 8 a.m., and 8 and 10 p.m., Wednesdays and Sundays.

When can I hand water my garden?
You can hand water your garden with a watering can or hose with a shut off nozzle at any time.

When can I water my new lawn?
You can water your new lawn between 6 and 8 a.m., and 8 and 10 p.m. every day for a period of 60 days following installation. All new lawns must be registered with the city by contacting the Public Works department at (709) 748-1000

When can I wash my car or clean my windows and siding?
You can wash your car or clean your windows and siding any time as long as you use a hose with a shut off nozzle.

When can I wash down my driveway?
At all times, and throughout the year, the City of Mount Pearl prohibits hosing down a driveway, sidewalk, mound of snow, public or private road or a neighboring property.

What are the penalties if I fail to comply with the Water Conservation Order?
Under the City of Mount Pearl Act, failure to comply with this order may result in prosecution and imposition of a fine not less than $100 on the first offense and not less than $250 on the second or subsequent offence. The city also has the authority to turn off the water supply to anyone who does not comply with this order.

Who is exempt from having to comply with this order?
Commercial car washes and commercial high pressure water uses are exempt from this order, unless otherwise advised by the city.


Water Programs

The City of Mount Pearl has many water programs in place, including a water quality program, a leak detection program, a water main flushing program and a cross connection control program.

Water Quality

The city performs weekly testing of drinking water for biological parameters. Samples from various areas throughout Mount Pearl are taken and forwarded to the provincial public health laboratory for testing. In addition, the city performs quarterly sampling for chemical/physical parameters of drinking water as outlined in the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines, as well as daily sampling for disinfection residuals within the distribution system. These samples are in addition to sampling conducted by staff of the Regional Water Authority and the Provincial Government. Learn more at the NL Water Resources Portal.

Municipalities within the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Provincial Government have combined efforts to ensure high quality drinking water to residents with the introduction of the Municipal Water Operating Permit. This permit formalizes maintenance objectives, testing procedures and record keeping methods carried out by municipalities in the supplying of water to the consumer. In response to the requirements of this operating permit, the city has established a very aggressive maintenance program covering the areas of leak detection, watermain repair, flushing, and valve and hydrant maintenance.

Mount Pearl has also entered into a public/private partnership with a local consulting firm to perform a detailed investigation of the city’s water distribution system to identify and locate water leaks.  Mount Pearl has dedicated additional resources to repairing of identified leaks. The city now has two new water meters installed by the Regional Water System, which provide continuous and accurate readings of overall water consumption.

Storm Water Management

Mount Pearl has developed and is continuing to refine a set of storm water management guidelines for all new construction and development within its boundaries. The purpose of these guidelines is to prevent, where it is practicable, any increase in runoff to the various streams and drainage channels around Mount Pearl once the new development is completed.  These guidelines to protect our ground and surface water sources. Mount Pearl has included these guidelines within its own land development projects and they are also used by individuals and subdivision developers.

Energy Management Control System

The city is taking part in an 8-year private/public partnership program on energy management for various major city facilities. The city incorporated a computerized energy management system that sets schedules, temperatures and ventilation controls based on occupancy and time of day parameters. This has proven to be a very successful venture, based on the high success level being experienced with capital costs being paid from energy savings and current projections indicating an early payout for the project. This program is considered a success due to the the major decrease in energy consumption by the municipality and the corresponding financial savings that will be realized long-term. Mount Pearl is continuing its review of all operational areas to seek further opportunities for environmental enhancements throughout the municipality.

Regional Water Service

The Regional Water Treatment Plant, which is a regional water treatment facility located at Bay Bulls Big Pond, was commissioned on September 16, 2009 and has been in operation since that time. The facility is overseen by a Regional Water Committee.

Looking for more information?

  • View water and sewer policies (under the heading Water & Sewer)
  • View permits in relation to individual water service lines for residential and commercial customers (under the heading Public Works)