Street Art Contest

Street art can be seen as an artistic form of public expression. However, it can also be considered vandalism and an eyesore in underused or abandoned areas. Many street artists are unable to express themselves in a controlled environment. This contest will provide artists with the opportunity to showcase their street art techniques amongst their peers.

The Street Art Contest will be held on July 15th and 16th in the tunnels on Ruth Avenue. Artists will have from 9am to 5pm each day to complete their murals, after 5pm each day the tunnels will be closed and artists will not be permitted to continue their work. In the cases of severe weather, the contest may be rescheduled. We encourage artists to check their emails during this time.


  1. Individual artists only, no teams.
  2. The art must reflect a theme suitable for public display of all ages.
  3. Use of nude characters is prohibited.
  4. Use of foul language is prohibited.
  5. Use of blood or gory imagery is prohibited.
  6. Entries containing discriminatory content, gang names/symbols, or insignia will be disqualified.
  7. Use of harassment or anything sexual in nature and referencing drugs or alcohol is prohibited.
  8. Artists who are rude, abusive, or deemed otherwise unsuitable by the organizers will be disqualified.
  9. Any drug or alcohol use at the event is prohibited and will result in disqualification.
  10. Artwork must be original in concept.
  11. The organizer will provide art space, paint, and limited supplies. Please list in detail the supplies needed for your artwork.
  12. Artists will have a 48″ x 100″ canvas, all artwork must be completed in this space. You are not required to use the whole space but there are bonus points for those who do.
  13. All murals must be completed within the 8 hour timeframe given each day. Extra time will not be given.
  14. All artists must allow their murals to be photographed and available for use on all media platforms.
  15. City of Mount Pearl may photograph, videotape, or record any artwork in the City of Mount Pearl’s Street Art Contest for promotional, marketing or public relations use. I understand that no compensation shall be payable by reason of such use.


  1. Murals will be judged by a panel of members from the Crime Prevention Committee and the City of Mount Pearl.
  2. Artists will have the chance to explain their work to the judging panel.
  3. Judges will score each criteria on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. Scores are totaled for each artist with each judges score being added together. In the case of a tie, judges must deliberate and pick a winner.
  4. Judges can award a zero (0) if the artist broke a rule.
  5. Winners will be announced on the last day of the competition at 6pm.
  6. Click here for the list of judging criteria.


  • 1st place – $500 prepaid visa
  • 2nd place – $250 prepaid visa
  • 3rd place – $100 prepaid visa


  1. Artist must pre-qualify to compete by filling out the entry form below.
  2. Once you click submit, you must click the link and upload samples of your artwork.
  3. Artists aged 18 and under must have a guardian’s signature.
  4. Entry forms and art samples will be accepted until July 5th, 2023. Artists who are selected to compete in the contest will be notified shortly thereafter.

Your information is being collected under the authority of S.61(c) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will only be used for a Street art Contest. Inquiries about the use and protection of this information should be directed to the City’s  ATIPP Coordinator at or 709-748-1136.