Proof of Vaccination Requirement – City Facilities

Updated: March 14, 2022

All city employees, members of council, students, on-site vendors, and contractors are required to:

  1. Be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, or have an approved medical exemption, to report for work, enter the workplace, or enter any city facilities for a work purpose;
  2. Provide proof of vaccination to the city.

There is no requirement to provide proof of vaccination if you are entering a city facility as a patron or volunteer.

The Process

Upon entrance to the city facilities listed above, users will be asked to provide proof of vaccination and identification.

Proof of vaccination

  • All users must present their QR code/verification.
  • Residents of Newfoundland and Labrador have two options to display their proof of vaccination (click here for full details):
    • Option 1 – Electronic QR Code using the NLVaxPass app.
    • Option 2 – Print/view their QR code.
  • Out of province patrons can provide visual verification of their official vaccination record from their home province, territory, or country (click here for full details).


  • All individuals ages 12 years and older are required to show identification with their proof of vaccination. This must include their name and date of birth.
  • For people ages 19 years and older, the identification must include a photo. If you are 19 years of age or older and do not have photo identification, you can present two pieces of non-photo identification, both of which must contain your name, one of which must include your date of birth.
  • You can use the original version of your identification (card, paper or digital). You can also use a clear photocopy, photo or screenshot.
  • Your name on your identification must match the name on your proof of vaccination. If it does not, the city may request a second piece of identification.

Click here for full provincial vaccine passport guidance for residents.

Protecting your Personal Information

Your COVID-19 Vaccination Record QR Code contains your name, date of birth, and vaccination details. You should treat your QR code as personal health information. Do not share your QR code on social media. You should only share your QR code with trusted businesses and organizations using the NLVaxVerify app.

The city is required to use the NLVaxVerify app to scan your QR code. You can request that the city show you their device screen to verify they are using NLVaxVerify prior to presenting your QR code. NLVaxVerify includes the Newfoundland and Labrador logo on the verification screen.

The NLVaxVerify app can only read:

  • Your name
  • If you are fully vaccinated or have an approved medical exemption

NLVaxVerify does not store any information about you or your COVID-19 vaccination record.

The city is not allowed to keep a copy of your QR code or identification. They may keep a record that your QR code was previously verified, with your consent, if you access a city facility often (e.g. the Summit Centre). You can withdraw your consent at any time, and the city will be required to destroy the records.

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